No one Here is Me – a powerful verbatim play that unnervingly exposes the varied issues of men’s mental health. A beautiful and sensitive balance of loss, survival and hope.
This ground breaking performance was created by Sarah Winn, after her family suffered the numbing shock and devastation of her cousin taking his life in 2021. Suicide is a loss like no other and the current statistic for men is shocking and on the increase.
Sarah wanted to gain a better understanding of men’s mental health and how we, as a society, might serve them better. After four months of research, with charities, organisations, individuals and her own family, Sarah used her visionary skills as a theatre maker to weave the words from her interviews into No one Here is Me, with a grant from the Arts Council.
In May 2023, the cast was brought together for five days rehearsal and development, followed by two powerful sharing’s at The Marlowe Kit, Canterbury and The Aphra Theatre at the University of Kent.
The post show discussions at both events clearly demonstrated how deeply the play and its message had touched the audiences, provoked strong conversations and determination for action.
Sarah and No one Here is Me has been awarded a second round of funding from the Arts Council, and the next shows in March 2025, are being coordinated with new discussions organisations and charities in Kent.
Follow the links to learn more about No one Here is Me, book tickets for the performances in March 2025, find out how you can bring No one Here is Me to your area and join the mailing list.